
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blog Tour: THE LIFEBOAT CLIQUE by Kathy Parks - Q&A and Giveaway

I'm pleased to host Kathy Parks today as part of THE LIFEBOAT CLIQUE Blog Tour. I'm currently reading THE LIFEBOAT CLIQUE and it is just as good as I imagined it would be and am looking forward to sharing my thoughts. After reading my Q&A with Kathy, you'll have a chance to enter to win a copy of your own. 

by Kathy Parks
Published by Katherine Tegan Books
Publication Date: March 1, 2016
Pages 336
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Some people might say that Denver had a death wish. Why else would she have dared to sneak into a Malibu beach party where she’d be surrounded by enemies, namely including her ex-BFF Abigail?

Oh yeah. Croix. Denver never thought in a million years he’d ask her out, but who was she to question this miracle of fate? Well, that wasn’t the only surprise fate had in store.

During the party a tsunami hit the coast of California, wiping out everything in its path. Denver and a handful of others escaped death by holding onto the roof of the house and were swept out to sea. Of course, one of her fellow castaways was none other than Abigail, who could barely stand the sight of her.

Now that she’s floating in the ocean, stuck on a small boat with the most popular kids in school and waiting to be rescued, Denver wonders what might kill her first-dehydration, sunstroke, or the girl she used to think of as a sister?

A hilariously dark and twisted story that sparkles with a remarkably fresh voice, The Lifeboat Clique is Kathy Park’s irreverent yet insightful novel about how to survive in the most unthinkable circumstances.

Welcome Kathy!!

Have you always been a writer? Did you keep a journal or write stories or poetry when you were younger?
I used to write poems when I was a child. They were usually dark. I remember I coined the term “pebbles of dismay” when I was about eight years old. A career as a depressing writer loomed before me. Later I got funnier…probably a good thing.

How long do you think about a story or characters until you finally decide what you want to write about it/them?

It depends. Sometimes I happen upon a story, write a whole book about it, and the book doesn’t sell. Sometimes the story is right and the characters are wrong, or vice versa. Sometimes it just needs a little tweak. The Lifeboat Clique happened when I heard about a house getting swept away in the Japanese tsunami. As I remember, the story followed fairly quickly.

What is your favorite writing environment?

I like to write in a room with very few distractions. I recently tried writing on the beach. The wind was bad, and sand flew in my keyboard and shorted out my cooling fan. I am dumb.

What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received? 

There are many but I do like the one that says: May your life be quiet and orderly so that your work may be violent and original. Although I disagree with the quiet part. And maybe the orderly part. Another piece of advice I got on life in general from a book really applies to writing: Don’t let your metaphors imprison you. For example, “Writer’s block” is a very dangerous metaphor. Make the “block” easier to get through, like “writer’s jello.” Set up escape routes for your mind and it will make the writing easier.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers? 

Don’t worry so much about the first draft being perfect. It will only slow you down. Think about it like the base coat of paint. Although I do totally believe in outlining.

What are some of the books that made you fall in love with reading? 

Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Pat Conroy’s Prince of Tides, Gabriel Garcia Marquez Love in the Time of Cholera.

What are you currently reading? 

I’m reading a book on thinking.

Please share 3 random things about yourself.

Blue is my favorite color.

When I was a child, I had a pet bullfrog named Fritso.

I distrust pepper’s ability to really make a difference in the taste of food.
Thank you!

Hi, I’m Kathy Parks, author of The Lifeboat Clique. (Katherine Tegen Books, March 1 2016)
It’s about Denver Reynolds, an outcast at her high school, who ends up in a lifeboat with the popular kids who hate her.
It’s Mean Girls meets Life of Pi!
I live near the beach in Carpinteria, California with my husband and two cats.
I love questions and meeting other authors.
Hope you’ll check out The Lifeboat Clique!

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Tour Schedule:
Week 1:

Week 2:

3 Finished Copies of THE LIFEBOAT CLIQUE (US Only)


  1. I read a sampling from Epic Reads and this book sounds like a one sitting read to me.

  2. I am a fan of all things amphibian, so when I read about Fritso, I loved it! This book sounds so unique and I will read this to find out more about these intriguing characters and how they view forgiveness.

  3. I can't wait to read this book! I love the concept!!


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