So I'm sitting here reading a book and I come across something that
seems familiar. Like I just read that in the previous book. I'm not
talking about the plot or the storyline - just little similarities like
the name of a character or the state where the book is set. There are just too many coincidences that I couldn't help but share them.
Purity by Jackson Pearce
and here are the connections:
Characters like photography:
First Comes Love
Never Enough
Characters create lists:
Purity - Life List
First Comes Love - Oughta List
Chinese Fire Drill:
Purple Daze
Never Enough
There's a Road Trip:
How to Be Bad
First Comes Love
Takes place the summer before college:
First Comes Love
The Rule for Hearts
Reptiles make an appearance:
How to Be Bad
First Comes Love
Set in Phoenix, AZ:
First Comes Love
The characters are part of a play:
The Rules for Hearts - character in the play
Never Enough - characters create sets for a play
And the guy of the cover!!
So I am wondering, does anyone else pick up on these small little details from book to book? I'd love to read your coincidences and connections in the comments, but please don't leave any spoilers. Thanks!
Isn't this weird? I recently had a rash of "red hair." Seems like every book I read, one of the main characters had read hair. Go figure....