Thursday, December 4, 2014

Holiday Readathon Mini Challenge


Welcome to my Holiday Readathon Mini Challenge!!!

"Share the Perfect Book"
I love to give books as gifts, whether it is for a birthday, a holiday, or just a special surprise. Tell me the book that you would like to give to a friend or family member, what the book means to you, and why you think it would make the perfect gift.

ONE Book valued up to $15.00 from Amazon, B&N, or The Book Depository

Giveaway Details
To Enter:
You must be a participant of the 5th Annual Holiday Readathon hosted by WhoRuBlog.
Sign up here!

Fill out the Rafflecopter and Share your "perfect book" in the comments below.

Must be 13 years or older to participate.
Open to U.S and International addresses (wherever The Book Depository ships)

Winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.


  1. I would give a hardcover of Heidi by Johanna Spyri to my little niece. It's my favorite childhood book. I love it dearly. It was one of the first great books I've ever read and I think she'd love it. She doesn't like reading much so I'd get her one of the really pretty editions of the book :D

  2. My choice would be my favorite book actually, Daughter of the Forest, by Juliet Marillier, who happens to be by my favorite author too. I've actually done this before, I've given this book as a present to a couple of friends who like to read (borrowed my copy to a bunch of people too), and they all loved it, became huge fans, and immediately wanted to read the other books in the series--my most recent "victim" was my cousin, she went nuts over the series. This book means a lot to me because it's such a powerful story, such a harsh journey, heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, with a fantastic heroine who goes through so much but never stops fighting to save her family, and falls in love along the way. You read this book and think, well if she can do all that, against all odds, I certainly can do whatever I want/wish/am afraid to do for some reason.
    Plus the romance is to die for, it's impossible not to fall in love with the hero of this story.. It's the perfect book, really. :)

    I'm currently #12 on the sigh up linky, as jen7waters (
    and I'm carla c. on the rafflecopter. Thank you for the giveaway, and for the challenge, I love to talk about my favorite book! :3

  3. Since its Christmas and I love Holiday Romance I'll pick The 12 Dates of Christmas by Lisa Dickenson. I read it last year irs amazing!

  4. I would give The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss to my brother . He wanted to read it for a long time and i think it would make him really happy .

  5. I would love to give my best friend the book since you've been gone because it's about friendship and I think she would love this book !

  6. I would love to give dark blood by Christine feehan to my best's the 28th (?) Book in the series and she's an avid fan, but since she just got laid off she hasn't been able to get it

  7. Thanks for the giveaway! I would like to give a Jane Austen book to my mom, because I think she would love the time period and the way she writes. It's a classic!! <3

  8. I would love to give the entire Harry Potter series to one of my friends or someone who hasn't read it because it's what got me into reading when I was younger. :)

  9. I'd give any book I have loved, an by love I mean fangirl over to the point of wanting to shout out loud in the street about it, this year. Like for example Lailah by Nikki Kelly, The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson or Unmarked by Kami Garcia. It all would depend on the person I was given the book.

  10. I would definitely gift The Body Electric by Beth Revis as the perfect gift, if the person had read her other books. Otherwise I think a beautiful edition of Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery would be the most perfect gift because I love it sooo much!
    Thank you so much for this giveaway!
    -Ashley Am

  11. I would give The Infernal Devices by Cassie Clare. It is such a beautiful story and that ending is perfection. That is the book that really spurred me into my love of YA. I love the characters driven plot lines and it steals my breath everytime i read it.
    ~Britt @ please feed the bookworm

  12. My perfect book to give to family and friends is THE MIRACULOUS JOURNEY OF EDWARD TULANE by Kate DiCamillo! I love this book so much because Edward, the china rabbit in the book, learns to open up his heart to other people even when difficult things happen to him. Even when he goes through sad and tragic circumstances, he ends up building relationships with other people, and he learns so much in the story. The book is beautiful and has its moments that might make you cry, but ultimately there is hope and beautiful themes of love and perseverance. It really made an impact on me as I went though a situation where I had a choice to open my heart again to other people, or close myself off. I love to share it with others because I think anyone who reads it will gain something from it! --Katie @ Spirit of Children's Literature (@KatePoseyPhd)

  13. I would share my all-time favorite book, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, with my friend who recently promised that she'd read it. If I could give it to her (and my own copy is far away at the moment!) I know that she would read it even sooner and hopefully would love it as much as I do. It's the kind of writing that inspires me to write and just makes me so happy. I want to spread a little of that happiness!

  14. I would give Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson to either a friend or family member. This book is a fun, clean, romantic and happy read and I would give it away because after I finished it, I just felt so happy and full of joy. I've never had that kind of feeling from reading a book before so I'd want close friends and loved ones to experience it also.

  15. I would give ANY fntays or romance book. These books mean a lot to me beacuse of the freedom the imagination holds. I would give them to members of my family since i want to share this feeling with them

  16. I think I'd give a friend Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas because that was one of my favourite reads this year, and I want her to enjoy it as much as I did!


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