Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Review and Giveaway: SIGNS POINT TO YES by Sandy Hall

by Sandy Hall
Publication Date: October 20, 2015
Published by Swoon Reads
Pages: 288
Source: XPresso Book Tours
Purchase Amazon / B&N / Indiebound

from Goodreads

The author of A Little Something Different brings you the most adorkable romance ever.

Jane, a superstitious fangirl, takes an anonymous babysitting job to avoid an unpaid internship with her college-obsessed mom. The only problem? She’s babysitting the siblings of her childhood friend and new crush, Teo. 

Teo doesn’t dislike Jane, but his best friend Ravi hates her, and is determined to keep them apart. So Teo’s pretty sure his plans for a peaceful summer are shot. His only hope is that his intermittent search for his birth father will finally pan out and he’ll find a new, less awkward home. Meanwhile, at Jane’s house, her sister Margo wants to come out as bisexual, but she’s terrified of how her parents will react.

In a summer filled with secrets and questions, even Jane’s Magic 8 ball can’t give them clear answers, but Signs Point to Yes.

My Thoughts

Signs Point to Yes is cute, full of awkward, and a read in one sitting book. I really enjoyed Sandy Hall's first book, A Little Something Different, because of it's quirk and how much it made me laugh and knew upon finishing it, I wanted to find out what this author would deliver next. Signs Point to Yes, brought just as many smiles and laughs. The mix of humor, snark, and seriousness, balanced out the story, and made for a fun read. 

What I loved:

  • The hilarious moments with Teo's three younger sisters, with Keegan as the "ringer leader". Man can those girls get rowdy. They bring a lot of humor to an already funny story
  • The friendship between Jane and her sister Margo. Jane saw Margo as the favored child (allowed to make mistakes), but this summer they've become confidants. They need each other more than ever.
  • The shyness of Jane and Teo when they are around each other. I found it to be really sweet. It was easy to recognize that they liked spending time together, but they were tentative and a bit unsure. Their romance was a slow progression, but watching it build and grow was adorable. 
  • Teo's storyline and the search for his father, the relationship with his mother and stepfather, and his role in his family. 
  • Jane's ability to recognize that college may not be the right choice for her and she wants the choice to figure out what is right for her. It's good to question her future and not take the assumed next step - college.
  • The use of the Magic 8 Ball - so much faith was put into an object of chance. I remember having one and always wanting the "right" answers. 
  • How the book's title comes about. And how it's not just from the Magic 8 Ball

I thought I was going to HATE Ravi. He's a jerk to Jane. He thinks too highly of himself and horrible things about her, but Jane holds her own against him (she doesn't take his crap). Then when I found out why their rivalry began, I realized how ridiculous it all was (and they did too) and I couldn't help but laugh. 

Favorite Quotes:

"I think we're a lot alike, Jane Connelly," he said. "I think maybe we are too," she said after a while. - a moment of recognition that they could be more than just friends

"That was supposed to be romantic," he said mournfully. "Like on the roof. I was going to be the right person." - after a hilariously failed first kiss attempt. 

I liked Signs Point to Yes a lot. I may not have had the same, oh-my-goodness, I loved it feeling that I had after finishing A Little Something Different, but it kept me laughing and entertained. It was a great way to spend a few hours of my day. Would I recommend this book to other readers? Yes, definitely.

Disclaimer:  I received this e-ARC from XPresso Book Tours via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.  I was not compensated in any way other than the e-ARC provided. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

I’m a teen librarian from New Jersey where I was born and raised. I have a BA in Communication and a Master of Library and Information Science from Rutgers University. When I’m not writing, or teen librarian-ing, I enjoy reading, slot machines, marathoning TV shows, and long scrolls through Tumblr. A LITTLE SOMETHING DIFFERENT is my first novel.

Author links:


Prize: One paperback copy of Signs Point to Yes by Sandy Hall
(prize provided by publisher)

Must be at least 16 years old to enter
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  1. I recently read all of Kasie West's contemporaries and loved them! They are so adorable! I also read Everything That Makes You by Moriah McStay this summer and it was incredible.

    1. I have some of Kasie's books too! I still need to read them. I just love YA contemporary.

  2. Great review, Joli! I love the fun, fluffy vibe this book gives - sounds perfect for a rainy Sunday read! Glad you liked it! :)

    1. Thanks! It made me want to ask the Magic 8 Ball all the questions. And the scenes with the younger sisters cracked me up!

  3. Great review! This sounds like a book I would enjoy! My favorite YA Contemporary would have to be either Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins or The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky! :)

  4. One of my favorite contemporaries is Ana of California!

    1. This is the first I've heard of this book. I'll have to check it out.

  5. Current YA contemporary read is We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Thanks for chance to win a copy plus your review. Signs Point To Yes would be fun to take outside in this beautiful fall weather and "escape" with. :)

    1. We Were Liars is such a great book. I've read it a few times.


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