Friday, May 21, 2021


 A collection of mini-reviews, quick thoughts, and books worth mentioning. Check them out!

Publication Date: January 14, 2020
Pages: 384
Source: Netgalley| Purchased
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Synopsis (link to Goodreads)

My Thoughts

One of my favorite things about Katie McGarry’s books is how she makes readers care about the characters whole-heartedly. It’s easy to get caught up in their lives, care about their struggles, and what happens to them. And this is what happened with Veronica and Sawyer in ECHOES BETWEEN US. They both are dealing with serious, heartbreaking things.

The ghost hunting, hauntings, and the urban legends made it eerie and thrilling. There is this one scene in a graveyard and the moments leading up to it that gave me some awesomely creepy chills.  

I want to know more about Glory. She definitely needs her story told. Fingers crossed, some day.

ECHOES BETWEEN US brought out all the emotions as the characters dealt with love and death, fear and grief. It is a love story and a story about friendship, family, and letting people be there for you when you need them the most. 

I loved it. Just like I knew I would.

MISTLETOE AND MR. RIGHT by Sarah Morganthaler
Publication Date: October 6, 2020
Pages: 400
Source: Netgalley | Purchased Copy
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Synopsis (link to Goodreads)

My Thoughts

Traveling to Moose Springs in THE TOURIST ATTRACTION was a lot fun, so I was more than happy to revisit the town and everyone who lives there in MISTLETOE AND MR. RIGHT. 

I loved catching up with the townspeople of Moose Springs as they prepare for the holiday season and try to figure out how to protect their community from the influx of tourists and a mystery moose set on destruction.

I loved reading MISTLETOE AND MR. RIGHT for the laughs and for the romance and all of the unexpected moments of ridiculousness. While this book is set during Christmas, I don't consider it only a Christmas-time read and it can be read and enjoyed any time of the year. 

It was fun to visit Moose Springs and I can’t wait to go back.

BE STAIGHT WITH ME by Emily Dalton
Publication Date: May 19, 2020
Pages: 240
Source: Netgalley | Purchased
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Synopsis (link to Goodreads)

My Thoughts

This memoir-in-verse shares the story of college life and all of the experiences of becoming who you are and who you're going to be. It's a story of love and of friendship and living those moments that seem ordinary, but really mean everything.

One thing that is striking about this book that comes across beautifully is the realization that sometimes you are in the midst of a love story that you didn't expect, but it's still real. It's love. And it matters.

BE STRAIGHT WITH ME had me all up in my feelings because it also tells the story of a friendship that's lost when the love is no longer shared.

Before I even finished reading the review copy of BE STRAIGHT WITH ME, I knew this was a book that I had to add to my personal library. It really touched my heart.

Disclaimer: I requested e-ARCs of these titles from the publisher for review consideration. I was not compensated in any way other than the e-ARC provided. I've purchased finished copies of these three books for my personal library. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Review: COOL FOR THE SUMMER by Dahlia Adler


by Dahlia Adler
Publication Date: May 11, 2021
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Pages: 272
Source: Netgalley

Lara's had eyes for exactly one person throughout her three years of high school: Chase Harding. He's tall, strong, sweet, a football star, and frankly, stupid hot. Oh, and he's talking to her now. On purpose and everything. Maybe...flirting, even? No, wait, he's definitely flirting, which is pretty much the sum of everything Lara's wanted out of life.

Except she’s haunted by a memory. A memory of a confusing, romantic, strangely perfect summer spent with a girl named Jasmine. A memory that becomes a confusing, disorienting present when Jasmine herself walks through the front doors of the school to see Lara and Chase chatting it up in front of the lockers.

Lara has everything she ever wanted: a tight-knit group of friends, a job that borders on cool, and Chase, the boy of her literal dreams. But if she's finally got the guy, why can't she stop thinking about the girl?

Cool for the Summer is a story of self-discovery and new love. It’s about the things we want and the things we need. And it’s about the people who will let us be who we are.


The title COOL FOR THE SUMMER and the cover are what made me want to read this book. The color palette and the fun sunglasses did it for me. It screamed: "I'm going to be fun, READ ME!"

COOL FOR THE SUMMER was just as fun and enjoyable that I had hoped it would be. It was a quick read that brought both the laughter and the longing. I loved the friendship that developed between Lara and Jasmine and how well they knew how to be with each other.

There were moments I was worried about Chase's intentions with dating Lara. Everyone knew about her years long crush and I wondered if he was playing with her emotions or did he really like her. Thankfully that question was answered early on and I didn't have to worry. Chase isn't the jerk that he could have been portrayed as.

I wanted to know more about Lara aside from her relationships with her friends and Chase and Jasmine. What makes her who she is? I think there is still so much more to know about her than what we were given in the story.

Each of her friends have their own lives separate from their friendships. One character who I really want to know is Kiki. What is her story? She's just so interesting with her podcasts and her sleuthing. I hope there's a Kiki book in the future!

COOL FOR THE SUMMER is a great book to kick off your fun summer reading. It's a story about romance and friendships and it's full of surprises that will keep readers turning the pages.

Disclaimer: I received this e-ARC from the publisher for review consideration. I was not compensated in any way other than the e-ARC provided. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021



Witches of the Island #1
by Katie McGarry
Publication Date: May 5, 2021
Pages: 308
Source: Author

Twenty-eight year-old Cassie Strega can’t escape fate.

All she wants is to live a normal, quiet life delivering the babies in her small town. But when she discovers she comes from a lineage of witches, her life becomes extraordinary—in the gravely dangerous type of way.

Then, she’s reunited with her first love.

Orion, the sultry Fae warrior who broke her heart years before, is searching for a baby. Not just any baby, but the queen of the Fae who will one day lead them in their final battle against the demons determined to rule the world. The same baby who has been calling to Cassie for help in her dreams.

Fighting the intense attraction of their former blood bond, Cassie and Orion work together to find the child. But when the heartbreak that nearly destroyed Cassie nine years before looms once more, she’ll have to decide whether getting involved in the supernatural war is worth losing everything, including her life.


I adore Katie McGarry and she has written some of my favorite YA contemporary romances. I will read anything that Katie writes. When I was offered the opportunity to receive an early copy of A WICKED AND BEAUTIFUL GARDEN and read her first adult novel which is also her first in the fantasy romance genre, my answer was YES!! OF COURSE!!!!

The First Sentence:

Cassie was five when she learned she would one day play chess with the devil.

I loved getting lost in the supernatural world of Fae and Witches and Demons which is full of visions, dreams, prophecies, and fate. It’s a mystical and magical world where anything can happen.

The Suspense:

Don’t trust anyone. Orion included. Everyone here has an endgame, and none of their original plans included you.”

This made all of the alarms go off. Who is a friend of Cassie's and who is a foe. I have so many spoilery theories of what will happen and what it all means. 

The Romance:

To have you in my life again is a gift I never thought I’d receive.

Orion's devotion to Cassie pours out of him. And there were times that it made me feel super emotional because he would do anything to protect her. To have a love like that is powerful and it comes across on the page as beautiful and devastating.

Oh how I NEEDED them to kiss. I kept willing Cassie to just go ahead and kiss him. Not the memory of kissing and all of the other good stuff. The anticipation is TOO MUCH and I want them to be together. So together. Like that. 

I cannot wait to read A WICKED AND BEAUTIFUL GARDEN again. I read it so quickly to find out what was going to happen. Just as Cassie is beginning to learn about her abilities as a witch in this world, there’s a lot for the reader to grasp too. Next time I want to savor it and pick up on even more details and connections of this fantastical world.

I loved it!!!

Disclaimer: I received this e-ARC from the author for review consideration. Quotes are from the   e-ARC and may differ from the final published version. I've purchased a final finished copy for my personal library. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


I'm excited to celebrate the release of the new Adult Fantasy Romance A WICKED AND BEAUTIFUL GARDEN by Katie McGarry. I'm currently reading it and let me tell you that the first line will have you hooked. That's what happened to me! 

by Katie McGarry 
Available Today!!!

Book Summary:
Twenty-eight year-old Cassie Strega can’t escape fate.

All she wants is to live a normal, quiet life delivering the babies in her small town. But when she discovers she comes from a lineage of witches, her life becomes extraordinary—in the gravely dangerous type of way.

Then, she’s reunited with her first love.

Orion, the sultry Fae warrior who broke her heart years before, is searching for a baby. Not just any baby, but the queen of the Fae who will one day lead them in their final battle against the demons determined to rule the world. The same baby who has been calling to Cassie for help in her dreams.

Fighting the intense attraction of their former blood bond, Cassie and Orion work together to find the child. But when the heartbreak that nearly destroyed Cassie nine years before looms once more, she’ll have to decide whether getting involved in the supernatural war is worth losing everything, including her life.

Katie McGarry Website: 
Follow Katie McGarry  
TikTok: @katiemcgarryauthor

💜💜💜 Doesn't this just make you want to read it??!! 💜💜💜

Links to purchase:  
B&N Print Book:
Apple Books, Kobo, and other international etailers:


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