Wednesday, December 9, 2015

OUTSPOKEN by Lora Richardson: Author Interview and Giveaway

Today Lora Richardson is here to share her debut novel OUTSPOKEN which released earlier this year. I've asked Lora to share some thoughts on writing, her love of books, and a little bit about herself. After the interview, enter for a chance to win a paperback copy of OUTSPOKEN.

Welcome Lora!!

What are some of the books that made you fall in love with reading and writing?

I have always loved books that turn me into an emotional mess. The first book that made me cry was Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, which I read when I was in third grade. In high school, I devoured a lot of Anne Tyler’s books. Though they aren’t the kind of books that make me cry, I definitely find her an inspiring and authentic story-teller who is wonderful at creating characters who feel real. A couple of recent books I love are Making Faces by Amy Harmon and The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson. When I want to read a passionate romance, I reach for anything by Mia Sheridan. I have also fallen in love with two historical fiction series: The Bronze Horseman series by Paullina Simons, and the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Both are highly emotional and full of adventure.

What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received?

There are two things I’ve been told that resonate with me, and I try to reflect on them both when I sit down to write. The first one is that a writer should write as though she is her only audience; that I should write what I would want to read. The second piece of advice I have found helpful, is that the real story emerges in later drafts. This quote from Shannon Hale describes vividly what I mean: “I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.” I’ve learned that I change so much from the first draft to the final product, that now I don’t worry so much when I am first putting words on the page. I can, and probably will, change it all later anyway. So as much as I can, I write freely and without fear.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

I don’t know that I’m qualified to give any advice, as I am a very new writer myself. I did learn some things in the time it took me to write Outspoken that work for me personally. When creating a first draft, I find it very effective to commit to sitting down and writing at least 1,000 words per day until that draft is finished. I am more relaxed as I revise, but I do find it helpful to work on it at least a little bit every day. The biggest thing, I think, is not to give up!

Tell me 5 things about yourself.
1. Cake decorating is a hobby of mine. My children always have elaborate requests for their birthday cakes, and I enjoy figuring out how to make each one. I’ve made everything from Hagrid’s Hut to a combine harvester, to an elephant out of cake and buttercream.
2. I am married to my high school sweetheart. I wonder if that’s one reason why I still love reading YA books? When I think of falling in love, I think of been sixteen.
3. I grew up on a farm, and showed pigs, rabbits, and dairy cows at the county fair.

4. I love picnics. Any meal is better when eaten sitting on a blanket on the ground.
5. My favorite movie of all time is My Girl, starring Anna Chlumsky. Talk about a tear jerker!

Thanks, Joli, for interviewing me, and for your interest in my book!

by Lora Richardson
Publication date: August 18, 2015
252 Pages

Penny Beck is a girl who says yes when she means no. She keeps to herself, follows the rules, and does what she's told. After a disastrous experience with her boyfriend, she's determined to change from the spineless person she's always been into the strong woman she wants to become. All she needs is a little practice. 

On a cross-country trip to check on her grandpa, she strives to become bolder and more outspoken with the strangers she meets. Penny's plan is to practice saying and doing what she wants without worrying about what anyone else thinks. 

Then she meets Archer, an introspective loner to whom she finds herself drawn. She realizes she does care what he thinks, very much. Will Penny be able to stick to her plan, or will she revert back to her people-pleasing ways?


Enter for a chance to win a paperback copy 


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  1. I wanna be a winner :) Thanks for giving away this awesome book!

    1. JK I should have read the prompt... I used to love readin RL Stein books!

  2. The books that made me fall in love with reading were Black Beauty and Little Women.


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