Last weekend I was in NYC for a Girls Weekend with my friend Lisa. Weeks prior to our trip, we were planning our itenarary. We knew for sure that we were going to see Wicked (we already had our tickets), visit Chinatown and go to the Empire State Building. We went there on our last visit, but it is a must for us every time. So while she is looking for sights to see, I spent my time looking for author events and book signings. I wasn't too sure what would be going on the week after BEA. I would check the websites for The Strand and Books of Wonder, but nothing called out to me until I saw the announcement for the book launch of Ten Things We Did (and probably shouldn't have) by Sarah Mlynowski. I was familiar with Sarah's adult novels Milkrun and Fishbowl, and I'd seen Ten Things all over the blogosphere (and had it on my wish list) so this was a no-brainer for me. It didn't take much for Lisa to agree to go, she's that great of a friend, and was excited about going because I was. She really is the best.
So on Sunday, we figured out which train to take downtown and head to Books of Wonder. As soon as we walked in, there was the display of all of Sarah's YA novels. I snatched mine up and started browsing the shelves. I stopped in my tracks and turned to Lisa and said, "Um yeah, that's Kody Keplinger (author of The Duff), another author whose book I've read." Lisa had no idea who Kody was, so she just kind of looked at me funny (because I was acting to silly for my age) and went off to buy her own book for the signing. After a few minutes of thinking about how much of a dork I am I that I can't even go up and say hi and introduce myself, I did. Why not, right? Kody was kind of shocked that I recognized her, but I did. I follow her blog and YA Highway and I've seen her on other blogs, but once I saw her shoes, I knew for sure. Let me just say that I hope any other author meetings I have are as awesome as meeting Kody. She was so nice and we talked about books we were reading, wanted to read and being all fan-girly about authors we love. She recommended some books - Simone Elkeles (which I have and am moving closer to the top of my TBR pile) and told me about being on an author panel sitting between Elizabeth Scott and Gayle Forman. I wished we could have talked more, but the signing was about to begin and I still needed to pay for my book. She did let me snap a quick picture.

When I sat down, Lisa was already seated waiting for me. Sarah was waiting a few minutes before starting since people were still coming in. I looked around to see who all was coming in and I nearly lost it. There was David Levithan! I am a huge fun. HUGE! Love him! I knew that he was going to be a Books of Wonder on Wednesday for a book signing of
Crush, but I never thought he would be here on this day. Since the reading wasn't going to start for a few more minutes I went searching for a copy of
Crush (I had planned to buy a signed copy and have it mailed to me after the event on Wednesday), but if I could get one now I better do it with the hopes of having David sign it. I didn't find it so I went back to my seat just as Sarah began to read.
She started out telling us that the book was inspired by a true event in her life and then read some if the first chapter. After she finished reading, she took questions from the audience. We all acted a little shy at first, but then we got on a roll. I think that a lot of people were curious about the inspiration, that they were asking more questions about her life event that inspired to book rather than the book itself. She did saw that it was the most realistic ya novel that she as written. Some of her other books have paranormal or magical elements to them. Sarah also told us about her upcoming chapter book series that she is writing and the differences in writing for the various age groups.
After the question and answer portion, she invited us to enjoy the snacks and beverages and started signing our books. Lisa told Sarah about how we were from Virginia visiting NYC for the weekend and how her book launch was near the top of our list. She signed my book and was gracious enough to pose for a picture. Her adorable daughter tried to sneak into the shot too.
That is a heart by my name, just so you know |
It was great meeting Kody and Sarah. They were both so nice and welcoming and appreciative to meet their readers. It made this experience so much fun. I felt a little silly at times and even broke out into a sweat ( I can't deny it) from a small level of embarrassment. Authors are just people too.
I hadn't completely convinced myself of this, but I just knew that I would kick myself if I didn't even go over and meet David Levithan. I mean is that something that you do at another author's signing? Why, yes Joli, it is. You just did it when meeting Kody, silly. (I was having all of this inner dialogue with myself, by the way). But I had to have a reason and went searching for that copy of Crush that I wanted to buy. With the help of two fabulous Books of Wonder salespeople (thank you!), they found a copy for me in their stockroom. I purchased my book, took a swig or two of liquid courage (okay it was more like a glass, but whatever), and after Lisa told me to be a grown-up, I went up and introduced myself and asked David to sign my book. He was more than happy to do so. Who knew? and he indulged me by telling me that this was the first copy of Crush that he has signed. Pretty cool, at least I think so.

I thanked him and turned to go and who did I see? Susane Colasanti! Ok this was too much! I didn't go up and meet her, but maybe next time, right?!
The book launch was one of the highlights of my trip and I was really impressed that so many authors came out to support Sarah. It sure is a great crowd to run with and I was honored to be in it, even for just few moments.